Category Archives: Art

My First Zine~ Flip Through

Hello Owlettes, Many of you have already ordered this Valentine’s Zine so if you want it to be a surprise, Don’t watch this video! I wanted to talk about what I have learned and what I love about it! Plus I plan on playing along with some of the ideas inside! Company I used to print Zine:

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Alice In Wonderland Art and Journal Set

If you love Alice and all the whimsy characters she meets along the way on her adventure you will love to adorn your planner and journal with this journal set. From the Alice print on the Traveler’s Notebook ,the stickers and journal cards this journal set will have you giddy for sure! The set is guaranteed to put you in the mood for tea and possibly have you believing in as many as six impossible things before breakfast! Doesn’t that sound fun for the imagination! For this kit I created additional art with the characters Queen of Hearts, Cheshire Cat, The Mad Hatter and the White Rabbit. They were made into stickers and journal cards.

Queen of Hearts
Chesire Cat
The Mad Hatter
The White Rabbit

The journal sets come with a choice of the entire kit or your can purchase each separately! I hope you are inspired to create something wonderful!

XO, Rebecca

February “Love Letters” Printable

February is right around the corner with all it’s pinks, reds, hearts and of course chocolate. Growing up I LOVED February for just this reason… Valentines Day. I can still see a visual of me sitting on the bus with my box of valentines ready to be handed out to my classmates. I also remember making valentine boxes out of shoeboxes and paper plates and hang for all your friends to fill with cards. Then I became a teenager and a young adult and experienced having a NON-romantic boyfriend during Valentines and I remember breaking up with this boyfriend because he did absolutely NOTHING for this special date meant for LOVE. I also remember working in an office environment feeling less love because everyone else in the office received a large bouquet of flowers and my desk sat blah with NO flowers, chocolate or love notes. Now that I’m older and wiser (wink, wink) I do not put so much emphases on receiving Valentines to make me feel important or loved. Now, I enjoy the hearts and all the pinks and reds for the fun and LOVE of it all. So in the midst of the season to spread love I wanted to share one of my girls “Love Letters” with you. Print on sticker sheet or cardstock and cut! ENJOY!! Happy February! Happy Hearts and Happy Valentines Day! ~ Rebecca Hoot

January’s Art for the “Let’s Stay Home” CWR Kit

Hello! It’s reveal day for the art of the January “Let’s Stay Home” CWR Kit! I know after the hustle and bustle of the holidays I am ready to stay home, get organized and make my house pretty. In my case we are still unpacking from our move 6 months ago. I know ridiculous! We have decided we need shelving! LOTS of shelving. So for the month of January, Let’s Stay Home!

Sneak peeks for the kit will be posted on Instagram and Face book, so be sure to follow along!

XO, Rebecca

New Christmas Ornaments now in Stock

They are here!! New ornaments along with old ornaments are now in stock now! The new designs include:

Church in the Wildwood

Vintage Camper

Country Barn


Of course I brought back the fave’s Santa, Mr. and Mrs. Snowman and all the wonderful fun girls! Be sure to check out the shop to see the listings. Once they are gone, their gone!

Tis the seasons for cuteness!



Published as a Trail Blazer

Me? Published! Wow I was so excited and thrilled to be even considered. My creative pen guru, Angel with PenGems suggested that I be interviewed for the publication out of Dallas, Texas called the Voyage Dallas Trail Blazers. I was sent a questionnaire with questions to answer about myself and my business along with any advice that I would give to anyone coming into business as a creative entrepreneur.

So first up, I had to know the meaning of a Trail Blazer, so this is what googled told me a person “who makes a new track through wild country, a pioneer, an innovator.” Now I know I’m not the first person to go on this journey, but I am the only one that is going on MY journey. I have to say in this stage of my adventure the number one thing I tell myself over and over is to NEVER EVER give-up. I took on this business motto back in 2012 when I decided to start my small business. Throughout my life I had started so many creative outlets, I took floral design, I started a handmade business right after my son was born, and I created different crafts and sold them to friends. All these times I just quit when it became too hard or I didn’t really know the next step. In 2011, I discovered blogs and it opened my eyes widely to so many creative types and finding my tribe. This is when my dreams began to take a direction, I believed that it is possible to do what you are supposed to be doing, in my case it’s being an artist, and make a living. Not as a starving artist but as a creative entrepreneur. Using my creativity to inspire others to create and have a whole lot of fun in the process.

You can find the online version of the article here

I ordered a printed copy of the article to put on my art studio wall to remind myself to keep moving forward, create the life you want!

Happy Trails,


Order the latestCWR Kit!