Tag Archives: creative documentation

My Story Journal Prompt~ “My Favorite Spot”

Hello Owlettes, Welcome to another video in the ” My Story Journal Prompt”, today’s video is documenting about your favorite spot. I am using the prompt to document someplace near and someplace far. What are some of your favorite spots?

Hope you love this video. Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

My Story Journal Prompt~ Where were you born?

Hello Owlettes! I hope everyone is doing well! I’m back with another prompt in the “My Story” year-long series. Today I am documenting “Where I was born” but moving that into “Where I was raised” and fun facts about it. I hope you are joining in on the fun! I have prompts for tis month available and then each month I will introduce a few more. At the end of the year, your journal will be filled with your Story! You can find the first prompts here: https://www.rebeccahoot.com/2024/12/january-journal-your-story/ Thanks for watching, Rebecca

Journal with Me~ Give me all the Socks

Hello Owlettes! Hope everyone is safe and staying warm. Today’s video is playing in my personal journal. This is my journal I plan to write, play, decorate, add all things. Today I am documenting my love for socks and finding these adorable Bambi socks at our Dollar Store. Thanks for watching! Rebecca

My Story Journal Prompt “Vision Board”

Hello Sparkly Owlettes! I hope everyone is doing wonderful! In today’s video I am adding my vision board to the “Mt Story” Journal! I’m listing out what each image means in my journal. Excited for a year of CONNECTION!

Stay Sparkly Owlettes! Rebecca

2025 Planner and Journal Stack

Hello Owlettes! The week between Christmas and New Year’s in a favorite. It’s the time ofthe year I get organized for the upcoming year. I have always enjoyed setting up my new planner and journals. In this video I am going to show you my “Main” Stack for the year. I do a lot of mentions in the videos, so I hope I include them all here: My Story Charms:https://www.rebeccahoot.com/shop/my-story-acrylic-charm/ My Story Journal Prompts: https://www.rebeccahoot.com/2024/12/january-journal-your-story/ Travelers’ Notebook Inserts: https://www.littlecraftplace.com/

Thanks for watching, excited for a new year! Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

January “Journal Your Story”

The month of December’s CWR Journal Kit is all about telling your story. I have created a list of journal prompts to kick off the New Year in your journal. Each month I will include additional prompts to add to your journal. I hope to have prompts that you may not typically journal about, but tell your story. I will be posting a kick-off video soon.

Grateful, Thankful, Blessed Mini Journal~ Journal with Me

Hello Owlettes! Welcome back to another video. Today I am working in my gratitude mini journal. I plan on popping this in a front pocket of my creative daily jourmal. There is just something about a mini journal. I plan on using printables, washi and photos to try to keep the fluff down.

Thanks for watching and stay Sparkly, Rebecca

November 2024 Creative Daily Junk Journal Set-Up

Hello Owlettes. I am so excited for the next two months, everything seems to take on a magical feel. I want to get my journal ready to document the most magical time of the year. I will be using this journal to document both November and December. Here is my intro page set-up. As mentioned in this video: Etsy Shops: Calico Collage Veriepear Thanks for watching and stay sparkly! Rebecca

Mrs. Claus Christmas Fun~ Junk Journal Cover

Hello Sparkly Owlettes! I feel like the movie “Elf” when he runs into his dad’s office and yells “I’m in Love, I’m in Love” because I am in LOVE with this journal cover I created for my next creative daily journal. I would call it a December Daily but I try to document daily every day of the year! So fun!! Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Order the latestCWR Kit!