Tag Archives: your story

My Story Journal Prompt~ What do you Like to Eat?

Hello Owlettes, Welcome back to another video in the “My Story” Journal Series, today we are documenting about our favorite food or foods. I am telling the story about how I have been eating peanut butter since I was a kid. My mom would always make it for me on family picnics since I was such a picky eater. Even today, I think Peanut Butter is my comfort food! I hope you are having as much fun as I am telling my story. To see the prompts for next month, you can find them here. https://www.rebeccahoot.com/2025/02/my-story-february-prompts/

Thanks for watching! Rebecca

Introduction to Documenting Nostalgic School Day Memories Video Series~ Bonus Video

Hello! Welcome to the first video in “Documenting Your Nostalgic School Day Memories” In this video I am showing you how I plan to document and the supplies I will be using. Everything is packed in my Magical Backpack! Also, below you will find a print out of the topics for the series. The Series will run August 9-15th! Each day we will also have a fun project to create and add to your journal/scrapbook/junk journal (however you are planning to document). Are you ready for some fun? Me too!!!

Printable file Below:

Week in the Life Final Flip through May 2019

Hello! In this video I created a quick flip through of the traveler’s notebook I used to document my story with “A week in a Life” May 2019. Not familiar with A week in a life, please be sure to check out Ali Edward’s blog for more details. To sum up in a sentence, it’s taking a week in your life and documenting through words and photos. I have participated in this project for many years. It is one of my favorite. Thanks for watching and I hope you are inspired too!

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