Hello and Merry Christmas! Welcome to Day ONE in the Creative Christmas Series. Today I will be going LIVE on You Tube at 6 pm CST! I will be showing you Creative Station Set up along with creating a Christmas Wand! We cannot start the season without adding a little of whimsical magic! See below for a template I will be using to create a wand for my journal. I will be using a colorful paper straw for my wand handle, but you could use a wooden dowel rod, Popsicle stick or even just rolled up paper. Go to your stash and see what you have! Hope to “see” you tonight!!
UPDATE~ The live stream on You Tube didn’t quite work so I had a Live event on Instagram. Here is the link the view.https://www.instagram.com/tv/CHT4hO3JrzA/?igshid=5ile2gor5mlx

I also created a hashtag #CWRCREATIVECHRISTMAS be sure to use when posting your projects!!
Let’s have fun! Rebecca