Category Archives: Tutorials

CWR Crafty Christmas Pajama Party~ Paper Ballerina Ornaments

Welcome back to another video in the CWR Crafty Christmas Pajama Party! I first saw these paper ballerina ornaments in a magazine, I have held onto the picture knowing I would make them someday! These are so sweet to make with endless possibilities.

Autumn Bliss Creative Series~ Let’s Begin

Hello and Welcome to a Video Series embracing the most wonderful time of the year~ AUTUMN! Yes that is exactly how I feel! This is my most favorite season. I wanted to embrace this time of the year with a workshop. Today I am kicking off the Autumn Bliss series with a video of me painting the cover to a Traveler’s notebook I am planning to use for the workshop. I wanted a place to house my Autumn Bliss notebook and the notebook I created for Mindy Lacefield’s “Merry and Fright” workshop. Here is an overview of what to expect from this workshop, over the next 10 days we will be making lists. Below you will find a printable of prompts to use to make your list. We can connect with one another through Instagram by using hashtag #cwrautumnbliss to show us your lists. On September 18, 2021 the video series will start. There will be a daily blog post and an email out with the videos. There is not a special place to sign up to receive the emails, if you have signed up to receive general notifications through my website. I have included the itinerary and list prompts below. I am thrilled you are coming along and hope you get all the BLISS for autumn! Be sure to check out the shop for Autumn Bliss Creative kits.

Here is the printables:

Inner Child VALENTINE BOX for Valentine Cards

Hello and welcome to a fun little Inner Child project of making a DIY Valentine box. This box is to hold the cards I hop to receive in the Rebecca Hoot Valentin Card SWAP! Who remembers their Valentine box? I remember we created one similar to the one I’m going to show you in elementary school! So fun! Hope you are inspired to create something fun while embracing your inner child!

Creative Journal Your Story 2~ Passionately Curious

Welcome back to Video 2 in the Journal Your Story Series! The prompt is ” Passionately Curious” and I decided to journal about my Great Aunt. She was an amazing person, so full of adventure, love and wisdom. She passed at age 75, when I was 10 years old but I have such a vivid and fond memories of her. How I wish I could sit and talk with her again. I am passionately curious about her life as a young adult and the whens and hows of her life. She loved her parents so much, but I know there were times she lived away from them. I also used this prompt as a way to document my journey with her, what she meant to me and conversations and experiences I can remember. I have an album full of pictures and memories, so I decided to use this one to document.

So what are you passionately curious about? Is it family, other counties, music, art… so many possibilities! I hope you are inspired to create in your journal! Here is a video of my process.

Thanks for watching!

Creative Christmas Series~ Christmas Tea Table Setting

Hello! After a bit of technical difficulties I was able to create a short video of the Christmas Tea Table Setting and use Voice Over! This Ole Gal is figuring this video editing out! The questions that you asked over on Instagram will be answered in another video soon! Thanks for such an MAGICAL week of creating with me! There is no “being behind” on these projects, they can be created anytime! Merry Christmas!

Creative Christmas Series- Christmas Tea (DIY Christmas Crackers)

Hello! Today is the final day for the Creative Christmas Series and we are going to have a Christmas Tea. This will be a two part video. The first video I am making DIY Faux Christmas Crackers to include in the little gifts I will be giving our guests and I show a little sneak peek into how I plan and my paper copy of Pinterest. So I’m off to make cookies, put on Christmas Music and finishing setting the table. We have guests coming! Rebecca

Creative Christmas Series~ Gaudy Christmas Pin

This fun little project is just plain FUN! We all have heard of the Ugly Christmas Sweater, well how about adding a Gaudy Christmas Pin to the mix! They make a great conversation piece. The fun thing about this project you can make them what ever color you like to fit with your party outfit! For example the first half of this video is creating a traditional red and green with a touch of blue brooch. The second half is making one for my daughter which she wanted all red. The one I made for myself is pink and candy themed! So many possibilities! What will you make for yourself?

Happy Creating, Rebecca

Creative Christmas~ Felt Santas

I have made so many of the felt star shaped Santas. The first time I made them I was a stay at home mom with my son. I was watching HGTV everyday, remember when it was all crafting and food? So I was one crafty babe and decided to make all felt ornaments for the Christmas tree. I want to include this story in my December Journal so I also made a Santa without the stuffing. Can’t wait to see what you create, be sure to tag me at #CWRCREATIVECHRISTMAS

I have put together a template to help with the Santa Shapes, you can print it here:

Happy Creating, Rebecca

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