Tag Archives: Christmas Tea

Creative Christmas Series~ Christmas Tea Table Setting

Hello! After a bit of technical difficulties I was able to create a short video of the Christmas Tea Table Setting and use Voice Over! This Ole Gal is figuring this video editing out! The questions that you asked over on Instagram will be answered in another video soon! Thanks for such an MAGICAL week of creating with me! There is no “being behind” on these projects, they can be created anytime! Merry Christmas!

Creative Christmas Series- Christmas Tea (DIY Christmas Crackers)

Hello! Today is the final day for the Creative Christmas Series and we are going to have a Christmas Tea. This will be a two part video. The first video I am making DIY Faux Christmas Crackers to include in the little gifts I will be giving our guests and I show a little sneak peek into how I plan and my paper copy of Pinterest. So I’m off to make cookies, put on Christmas Music and finishing setting the table. We have guests coming! Rebecca

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