Tag Archives: one little word

Commonplace Journal- One Little Word 2024

Hello Owlettes, Happy January 3, 2024! How has your New Year started out? I hope it has been everything you have dreamed. I am actually feeling quite calm in the sense that I’m starting slow, not really by choice since I have been sick, but now I am embracing the slow start. I am working on completing tasks when I start them. My worst trait is to start too many things before moving to something else. Not this year, I am working hard to romanticize and enjoy each moment.

Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

One Little Word- The 100 Day Project Update One

Hello, my Owlettes! I do hope everyone is doing wonderful! I am feeling so happy that I am getting to my journals. It’s amazing how journaling and documenting my story is such a big component in my life, that without it, I am a rumpled-up mess!! So I am so happy to be writing, gluing, and cutting all the things again! In today’s video, I am working on my One Little Word Journal, I have been adding the photos from #the100dayproject and documenting ways I am living, and analyzing ways to slow down. So far I’m happy with the results that life isn’t just speeding by and I am taking a moment to enjoy the little things!

I hope you enjoy the video and stay sparkly!!

The 100 Day Project 2023 ~ Capturing Magical Moments

Have you heard of The 100 Day Project? Below is a link with more information. For my challenge, I am going to incorporate “My One Little Word” into the process: Recreate. I plan to document one thing, through my photo of how I am incorporating my word into my life. I am super excited to see what the next 100 days brings me!! Are you taking part in the challenge? I would love to hear what you are doing? https://the100dayproject.substack.com/about

Stay Sparkly, Rebecca

Introduction~ Creating a Vison Board

Hello Friends and welcome to the introduction to creating and building a vision board! In this video, I talk about the supplies needed and how to get started. This will be a video series, and I will be posting the steps over the next couple of days. Here is the supply list and printable:

Creative Hoots Chat 10~ December Daily, Journals and One Little Word 2022

Hello and welcome back to another Creative Hoots Video! So much to think about and last minute details are in the works over here for the week of Christmas. BUT I am looking ahead into 2022! Next week will be full of me preparing and setting goals for the new year with GREAT GUSTO!!!

Thanks for watching!

One Little Word~ Shine Journal Flip-Through

I am so excited to be completed with the introduction to my One Little Word Journal. I use the prompts from Ali Edwards “One Little Word” class to guide me in setting the tone for the new year and what I plan to accomplish. This is one of my favorite projects. I start out with writing about the past year and setting goals for the new year. This includes my creative business, my family, my home and just different aspects of my life. I also incorporate my One Little Word into the goals I want to set for myself for the upcoming year. This process sometimes takes a while but it’s worth it because at the end of the year, I will go back and reference and look at where I have come or what didn’t quite work out the way I expected. In this video, I show you a flip through of my SHINE journal. I plan to use this for the monthly prompts and just when I need to journal about my word. I used a composition notebook and in the video you will see how I construct and plan to use it. Thanks for watching! Rebecca

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