Hello Owlettes. This is TAKE TWO for this video, my first video I was rushing and didn’t re-watch and basically filmed the top of my head!! SO SORRY!! So I re-filmed and created a much better video… lesson learned.. don’t rush! 🙂 So let’s jump into what I used on this charm. I purchased everything off Amazon, so you can find it here.
Twine: https://amzn.to/3K1eMUN Mushroom Charms: https://amzn.to/4102MZY Keys: https://amzn.to/3RRL46x Large Bauble Beads: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BPLT5G9G?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details Small Bauble Beads: https://amzn.to/40LLtvs Fairy Charms: https://amzn.to/40Po2kN Paper Clips: https://amzn.to/3YK3g4l
The Fairy Tale CWR Kit will be available February 15, 2023 at 7:00am CST!
Stay Sparkly! Rebecca