March 2021 Newsletter

Hello March! Hello Spring! Hello More Fun! Let’s see, what is happening this month: A Spring Tea with the Bees Knee’s Banner; Ms. Imagination CWR kit; Camp Wonderland Planning; Setting Goals; and Dollhouse Dreams.

This coming Saturday, March 6, 2021 at 2pm CST. I will be having a live virtual Tea Party. I had created a poll asking if you would prefer a live tea through Instagram or a Zoom meeting. The final answer was really 50/50. This month I will be having another virtual through Instagram BUT have made plans to do a zoom meeting in the upcoming months. YES… I’m thinking this would be something fun to do each month. This month we will be creating a “Bees Knees Banner”, I plan on printing mine at 50% so I can add a banner into my journal. Here is the free printable:

The First of every month is the introduction of the CWR Journal Kit. This months’s kit is all about rainbows, bunnies and your imagination! Let me introduce the star of the kit “Ms. Imagination” This girl came from this fun little art piece.

Be sure to mark you calendar, for March 15th at 7:00 am CST for the release of the “Ms. Imagination” CWR Kit Release.

This past weekend we had a Girl’s weekend with my mom, sister and Brazos and we are FULL throttle planning out Camp Wonderland! My friend Paula over at Crafty Destinations is working out all the details while I get to plan all the creative FUN! I believe there are two more Daytime Spots available.

As I was working in my journal this last month I realized I haven’t written down monthly goals in almost a year. I think it started with the Pandemic. I use to set yearly goals and break them down into monthly goals. I realized I had goals and dreams in my head but actually haven’t written them down or the steps to make them happen! So I will be working on goal setting this month. Stay tuned for more ideas and thoughts on how I like to make this a visual activity.

One of the goals I am working on is our Dream Cottage Dollhouse. I think the best way to achieve decorating it is to start with one room. So it’s the Bathroom. I will be having a more detailed blog post on the renovation of Dream Cottage, but yes starting small in one space helps me wrap my head around making a decision for each room.

And Last but most definitely not least, I haven’t been sharing my Favorite Things in my Newsletter. I recently just purchased Modge Podge Sparkle and I have to say… it’s my new favorite journaling and art supply!

Thanks for stopping in and hope you have a FABULOUS March!!

XO, Rebecca

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